Caring for people at the edges – November 2024 Leuven

Conference for doctors and healthcare providers caring for refugees, elderly, terminally ill or with chronic psychiatric disorders:
Come and be inspired by Father Damien of Molokai.

Subscribe now and profit early bird rates for our conference on November 16. 

Early bird offer till June 30th

Register here

November 16th 2024 Programme

“Caring for People at the Edges of our Healthcare System”

In his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis invites us to go to the periphery. Certain groups of patients are not always receiving the right care.

What more can we do, as doctors and healthcare providers, for refugees, the isolated elderly, the terminally ill and patients with chronic psychiatric disorders?

Let us be inspired by the Holy Father Damiaan De Veuster, who was fully committed to leprosy patients in Molokai, and ask his intercession for our medical practice. Let us ask him to bless our work of caring for people at the edges.

The programme starts at 8.30 am.
Closing eucharist at 5.30 pm.
Check the preliminary programme below.

Preliminary Programme

Download flyer


Practical information

Irish College Leuven

In the heart of the historic university town Leuven (Belgium), this heritage campus provides a unique setting for our 2024 conference.


Lectures in English, French, Dutch
(simultaneous translation available)

Accreditation will be requested
Sandwich lunch is included

Registration fees depending on your category

early bird (before June 30th)
after June 30th
medical doctor
€ 75
€ 100
other profession
€ 45
€ 60
young medical doctor or student (<35 years old)
€ 15
€ 30
I received a promotional code (free, but registration still requested)
€ 0
€ 0

How can you register?

  1. register via the subscription button below
  2. find your registration fee (depending on category)
  3. please make your payment via bank transfer : 

BE22 4376 1125 6147
(Belgian Medical Association Saint-Luke)
mention: “your name – Nov 16 Leuven”

Register here

Info on accommodation

Guests from abroad should book their own accommodation.
Young doctors and students from outside Belgium, can apply for basic accommodation (if <35 years old). (please mention on registration form)


We recommend: Enjoy a 2-day-Conference
Fertility Awareness Methods - Nov 15th 2024 - Irish College Leuven

At the same venue on the day before, there is another conference which we would like to recommend to you. 
We hope to welcome you there too.

Fertility Awareness: Back to Basics
European Congress 2024 on Fertility Awareness-based Methods
Irish College Leuven - Belgium
Nov 15th 2024

more info and registrations



Registration St-Luke Symposium 16-nov-2024 Leuven

"Caring for people at the edges of our healthcare system"

Please register here for our November 16 symposium.
(Your registration for the November 15 programme is on

Register now at early bird rates
Fertility Awareness : Back to Basics
Caring for people at the edges
Subscribe now and profit early bird rates for our conference on November 16.
"Caring for people at the edges of our health care system". The preliminary programme is available.
Find all information about the November 16th conference here.