Preliminary programme – November 2024 Leuven

Caring for people at the edges of our health care system

Nov 16th 2024, Leuven, Belgium

Come and join us for this conference with very interesting lecturers.
The programme starts at 8.30 am. Closing eucharist at 5.30 pm.

Prof. Anja Declercq

Sociology, director LUCAS, Leuven
'People at the edge of our society anno 2024'

Prof. Laura Rizzero 

Department of Philosophy University of Namur
'Can caring for the most vulnerable make us happier (or more human)?'

Fr. Bert Vanderhaegen

Chief chaplain of UZ Gent
'Hospital chaplaincy, a listening ear and much more. Father Damian as a model for pastoral care.'

Baroness Hilde Kieboom

Sant' Egidio community
'Care for the homeless at Kamiano, Antwerp'

Prof. Dr Benoit Beuselinck

Oncologist UZ Leuven
'Finding meaning when one is ill'

Mr. François Trufin

Director of a nursing home (Petites soeurs des pauvres, Belgium)
'Elderly people, sentinels of eternity'

Fr Ferry Indrianto

Congregatio Sacrorum Cordium
‘Saint Father Damien, inspiring example for care anno 2024’


Speech by healthcare referent at Belgian bishops' conference.

Eucharist 5.30 pm in St Anthony's Chapel, Tomb Chapel of Saint Damien, Leuven


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Caring for people at the edges
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"Caring for people at the edges of our health care system". The preliminary programme is available.
Find all information about the November 16th conference here.